
Versant Business Advisors Completes Sale of Northwest Dental Arts

Versant Business Advisors Completes Sale of Northwest Dental Arts

Versant Business Advisors (VBA) represented Northwest Dental Arts in the Seattle area and its founder Ron Humphrey in completing the sale of his dental lab business to Sharan Singh an experienced dental technician and businesswoman. Mr Humphrey founded the lab in 1994 and successfully operated and grew the lab to service dozens of dentists throughout King County in Washington. The lab is known for its high-end, esthetic restorations.

Ms. Singh brings a wealth of experience as a dental technician and a high level of energy to bear in taking over the business operations.

About Versant Business Advisors

Versant Business Advisors was founded with the vision to work with entrepreneurs and business owners to create sustainable business enterprises and ensure a fluid marketplace for business opportunity sales and financing. VBA is the only provider of M&A services that specializes in the dental lab industry in the United States. Over the past decade VBA has utilized its specialization in working with dental labs and investors to consummate the sale or acquisition of dozens of dental labs throughout the United States.

